Why Is Everyone Talking about CoolSculpting?

Thursday February 2, 2017 | CoolSculpting, Non-Surgical Procedures, Weight Loss

coolsculpting patientIf you’re in search of a way to eliminate unwanted body fat, you might naturally think of liposuction as your first and only cosmetic treatment option. While liposuction is an effective solution for localized fatty deposits, not everyone wants to undergo invasive procedures to achieve a more appealing body contour.

When surgery is not an option, nonsurgical alternatives become the answer, and Dr. Lickstein provides the minimally invasive techniques you desire with CoolSculpting. As one of the latest innovations in fat reduction, CoolSculpting has become a notable option — one that everyone seems to be talking about these days. But why is CoolSculpting so popular? We’ll fill you in, here.

The procedure is quick, easy and productive

CoolSculpting is nonsurgical, which means that no incisions or anesthesia are involved in the reduction of unwanted fat on your body. Instead, cold technology known as Cryolipolysis is used to create optimal results. Your physician will place a gel pad on the treatment area and apply vacuum pressure using the CoolSculpting machine. Afterward, cooling begins, which actively works to freeze the fat cells in the specified region of your body.

Because you are awake during your CoolSculpting procedure, you are free to read, listen to music or even nap! It’s one of the simplest and most convenient ways to eliminate the fat that is keeping you from having confidence in your body.

There’s no downtime required

When you receive liposuction, there are a few weeks of downtime that are involved. Incisions need to heal, and any excess fluids must drain from the treatment area. Usually, you can expect to see the full results of liposuction in one or two weeks.

With CoolSculpting, however, there is no recovery time involved. Once your treatment session is complete, you can return to your daily routine almost immediately. Although you may experience some redness and numbness around the treatment area, nothing is stopping you from going about your day.

The results are permanent

As with most procedures, whether they are surgical or nonsurgical, it’s vital that you maintain your results by practicing a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis will ensure that you enjoy procedures like CoolSculpting for years.

Once you have undergone your first CoolSculpting session, Cryolipolysis immediately begins metabolizing the frozen fat cells. Once the fat is eliminated from the body, it will not return. In two to three months, you will start to notice a 20-25% reduction in fat and a slimmer appearance.

You can get it done almost anywhere

You can receive CoolSculpting in many of the same regions as liposuction, including the love handles, abdomen, thighs, back, and chin. Additionally, Lickstein Plastic Surgery allows you to treat two areas of localized fat simultaneously in a package treatment called DualSculpting, where you can take care of your cosmetic concerns in half the time.

It’s no wonder CoolSculpting has become one of the most sought-after treatment options for unwanted fat. All you have to do is contact Dr. Lickstein and see whether the procedure is right for you. To schedule a consultation, call (561) 962-1950 today.